I feel the game is incomplete and the ending is just abysmal. A great opportunity that was missed here for what I feel like simply the author just gave up. Little things like only one character has a battle start animation while the other two are already ready to fight, only one backgound, NO BOSS FIGHT (I CAN'T get over this, especially when you meet him and he is some skinny pointy beard weak looking demon) and the game plays like the authors never actually play tested, makes me feel like at some point they just called quits and published it.
Blacksmith is completely pointless, actually mana and abilities are completely pointless because in reaching the end of the game you will gain enough xp (from the 1000 one-shot repeat battles) that you will one shot everything. There is not a single mob in this game you cannot oneshot with ~40 damage, which I did not even grind for, I tried to go as fast as possible to the end.
Throw in a boss at the end that has abilities over 500 hp and hits for at least 20-30 to make this game somewhat challenging. Fix blacksmith cost.